Sunday, 30 January 2011

Happy Republic Day – Albeit a Little Belated

I wanted to post this on Republic Day but could not do so due to my BSNL Broadband connectivity issues. Also, I got another feedback from my readers to keep the blog post short which I will try to incorporate right away, easy one.
Today, our Nation celebrates 62nd Republic Day of our beloved Country. The day is significant in that on this day, our Constitution was adopted in/by our Country. This is also the day when in 1920, a pledge was taken by the freedom fighters of our Country in Lahore session of Indian National Congress (not today’s UPA congress) that only “पूर्ण स्वराज्य” and nothing less was acceptable to them. Also, the number 26 is significant in another way as it is the only single number sitting between a perfect square (degree 2) and perfect cube (degree 3). It is very fitting and appropriate that the day was chosen by our freedom fighters to take such a pledge to push our nation up by one degree.
This day also reminds me of my childhood days when all school children used to go to “प्रभात फेरी” in our village chanting slogans like “विजयी विश्व तिरंगा प्यारा, झन्डा ऊंचा रहे हमारा ”, holding Tiranga in our hands upright and subsequently participating in speeches, debates and sports.
Last year, I was in US on Republic Day but this year, I made it a point to find time and sit in front of TV to watch the Delhi Rajpath proceedings of Republic day. What a fantastic and fabulous program it was. The three wings of our Defence Forces, Jal Sena, Thal Sena and Nabh Sena, displayed their Might, with fighter planes and helicopters hovering in the sky singing their own “विजय गान” and with the “भीष्म” tanks making thunderous applause followed by exhibits from various states showcasing the cultural diversity of our great nation.
Might is a beautiful and equally motivating word. Mighty nations are able to put their point across easily and the Language of Mighty nations is easily understood by other nations. Some people may not agree with me when I say that “Pokharan-II” was one of the greatest things that has happened to our Country. While it is OK to disagree and I respect their disagreement, the fact of the matter is India has emerged mightier after Pokharan-II. If US was able to slap sanctions against India, it was due to US’s economic might. But at the same time, if India was able to defy the US sanctions, it was also due to India’s emerging economic might. Also, if India today figures on radar screens of all nations and if heads of States of all developed and industrialized nations are participating in a parade to India, it is due to India’s emerging economic Might.
We as a nation have to set goals for all of us to work in a way that can make our nation Mightier. History is the witness that we have never, and never means never, used our might to hurt anyone. But history is also a witness that only mighty’s survive. I am citing a Sanskrit Shloka which also talks on the same point.
अश्वं नैव गजं नैव व्याघ्रं नैव नैव
अज पुत्रं बलिं दद्यातः देवोः दुर्वल घातकः ।।
Not a horse, not an elephant, and never a tiger. It is the cub of a goat that is sacrificed. Even God is a betrayer of the weak.
Now it is up to us what we want to become, a kid of a goat or a tiger. Also, if we are strong, many phenomena which otherwise could result into adverse conditions start returning positive yields. The following Sanskrit shloka further solidifies this viewpoint.
वनानि दहतोः वन्हे सखा भवतु मारुतः ।
सः एव दीप नशाय क्रशे कस्यास्ति सौह्रदम् ।।
When it catches fire in forests, the wind is there as a friend to assist. But the same wind destroys a small lamp. Applying the true meaning of this in our national context, one will support us only if we are strong otherwise the same will turn out to be un-favorable for us.
People often compare the economic progress of China and our country India. While it is true that China has made significant progress over last 20+ and appear to be much ahead of us, we have one thing that China does not have and does not plan to have and can not have in foreseeable future. I’d use a Deewar film like dialogue “मेरे पास लोकतन्त्र है” to describe and I am allowed to think freely.
I’d like to cite another small story from Mahabharata to further support my point. It was the final and decisive battle between Arjuna and Karna. Both were Maharathis, equally brave and powerful. Lord Krishna who also happened to be the Saarathi of Arjuna was witnessing the un-paralleled fight between two great warriers. When arrows fired by Arjuna using his bow Gandiv were hitting Karna’s chariot, the chariot was going back by 20 feet. But, when the arrows fired by Karna using his bow Vijay were hitting Arjuna’s chariot, it was going back by 2 inches only. But, Lord Krishna was constantly clapping and saying “उत्तम अति उत्तम” on the performance of Karna as against Arjuna. For once Arjuna did not pay attention and let it go. But when Krishna continued, Arjuna could not stop himself and asked Krishna. “O Madhav, you are my Lord, Sakha and Saarathi, and as you can see, I am able to push my opponent’s chariot back many times more than what my opponent can push my chariot. Then, why are you clapping on his performance and not on my performance”. Krishna first smiled and then replied. Your chariot has me in it, who has to carry the burden of the entire world. So if Karna is still able to push your chariot back by 2 inches, even with my presence on it, he deserves appreciation and my clap. The same applies to the story of our country and our northern neighbor China. We have all sorts of problems, challenges and issues while China ruled by communist regime is run thru decrees. While we have a plethora of burden, China has very few compared to ours. So our progress whatever little it is in comparison to China has greater significance and needs accolades from all our countrymen.
There is a saying in Hindi that “अकेला चना भाड़ नहीं फोड़ सकता”. While it seems true on its face value, it also has a great degree of inbuilt myth in it. We can open the history books and see, not one or two but hundreds of examples where significant differences have been made by individuals single handedly. Take examples, Swami Vivekananda, Sage Aurvindo, Chanakya and even Gandhi. These individuals picked supporters as they moved along their path but they were all alone when they commenced their jouney.
So today on 62nd Republic Day of our great nation, I pray to Almighty to bless People so as to set for ourselves stretch goals and work in our own individual capacities to take our nation to the pinnacle of glory, the glory which once we had, the glory which rightfully belongs to us and the glory which is achievable. I am citing a few lines from the great poem ‘Geetanjali’ of Tagore.
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the mind is led forward by Thee to ever-widening thought and action -
Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to mention in the post, my new post will be around middle of Feb/11.

    - Devendra Singh
