Sunday, 10 February 2013

Modi – The Corporate Style Leader

I have been and I am a big fan of Mr. Narendra Modi ever since his rise on the Indian horizon. Just a fortnight back, he has taken oath of Gujarat Chief Minister for the fourth time in a row, not a small feat to achieve by anyone anywhere. The development of Gujarat during his tenure has been phenomenal. He has transformed his state to so business friendly that most corporate honchos of India and even abroad drool to setup their plants/ units in Gujarat.

Recently, he was invited by Delhi based Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) to deliver a lecture to the college youth.  The invitation to Mr. Modi was not decided by the college authorities by choice, but rather through a ballot process where students had to pick one name out of 5 possible names. One name was of Mr. Modi and the 4 names were of others including Congress Yuvraj Mr. Rahul Gandhi. Because Mr. Modi received maximum votes, he was invited as the speaker by the college authorities. Mr. Modi being chosen above Yuvraj Rahul Gandhi is also noteworthy considering that both State and Central Governments in Delhi are of Congress.

His talk of ~60 minutes was completely mesmerizing. When I started playing it on YouTube, my plan was to just watch the glimpses by skipping the portions of the video, but I could not do that. The speech both in terms of contents and style was so intense, lively, connecting, interesting and captivating that I watched the video in its entirety.  I am describing some of his musings with connection to corporate style.

Unique and Out of Box thinking
He held a glass of water in his hand which was half full and explained as to how two categories of people perceive that differently. He said the people with optimistic thought process perceive the glass half full and the people with pessimistic thought process perceive glass half empty. Modi Ji propagated his own and third creative interpretation saying that neither the glass as half full, nor the glass as half empty. Instead it was completely full, half with water and half with air.

In corporations, the great leaders perceive and visualize things in non traditional manner, an out of box thinking.

Business Diversification
Modi Ji, mentioned that his growth model of Gujarat was not based on just a single sector. Rather, it was based on three growth sectors;  Agriculture sector, Industrial sector and Service sector. This 3 pronged model was implemented to ensure that weakness in any sector is compensated by the strength of the other sectors. This is a classic example of business diversification.

Most top successful companies follow the same diversification mode. The American conglomerates GE and Fidelity Investments and Indian conglomerate Reliance, Airtel, ITC are some great examples of diversified corporations.

He took an example that a label “Made in Japan” inherently means quality. The quality centric perception that Japan has created around the world has not come out by accident. Rather, it is years of hard work by the Japanese people.  Similarly he cited the example of South Korea as to how that country used the Seoul Olympic of 1988 to create its mark on the world stage. Today, South Korea has a well established brand. He also reminded the audience as to how we squandered the opportunity we had in the form of CWG for creating an India brand. What happened as a result of CWG is well known to all of us, a disaster. He called upon the youth to create a “Brand India”.

Most successful corporations’ modern success is attributed to the brand they have created over the years through sheer hard work. The “Intel Inside” by Intel or “We sell for less” by Walmart and Indian brand “Tata” are some examples.

Business Expansion         
He took an example as to how his administration is working on tapping new development areas of economy. He has constituted a team to go over all the things that a human being needs in life and come up with a comprehensive list. The team came up with close to 1,000 things that a human needs. Based on this list, his team is working on creating new focus areas for skill development which will be used to open new frontiers of the economic development.

Most successful businesses keep looking for new growth areas. Apple did not stop at iPod which was probably its first mass product. It went on to create a market for iPad, which did not exist to begin with.

Pride in work
Modi Ji cited  an example of his meeting with Taiwanese leaders during his visit ,  where he was asked if India is still a country of snake charmers. His response , kind of unique and was well thought out, said that India has moved on from a country of “snake charmers” to country of “mouse charmers”, an obvious reference to India’s growing prowess in the IT sector.

He took another example of then President Mr. Bill Clinton visiting one of the villages in Rajasthan where many of the women, while covering their faces with the veil, were using computers for their small businesses. A young man in a very assertive manner approached Mr. Clinton to ask/say something. Many of the village leaders who were present there, managing Clinton’s visit got worried that the young man might ask for either visa, or job or even money. But what the young man asked was totally unexpected. The young man firmly looked into Clinton’s eyes and asked if Clinton still thinks if India was a backward country. Clinton was forced to say, “No, it is not”.

Most successful corporations create a sense of pride in their employees. It is not just the money that attracts the skill. It’s the larger purpose of the organization and how the corporation is able to make connections with its employees to create a sense of pride which glues its employees together to achieve larger goals.

Modi Ji cited an example of a person who showed up once to meet him, who did not impress Modi Ji at all in his brief meeting, but later went on to set up his business in record 18 months time, which today supplies coaches to Delhi Metro. This was due to the empowerment Modi Ji  has done at the district level , Tehsil level and even block level.

The successful companies empower their employees in taking risks. It’s the risk taking ability of the individuals fostered by the corporations’  top management’s commitment to risk taking , that results into innovations which drive future value creation and growth.

Value Creation
Modi took an example of cotton production in Gujarat which stood at 23 Lakh bells in 2001, and which now stands at 1 crore 23 lakh bells. This is more than 5 fold increase and is something to be proud about. In some ways, it is tremendous value creation through productivity increase.  But Modi Ji’s version of value creation is his ambitious 5 F’s plan where cotton produced in Farm will be converted to Fiber which in turn will be converted to Fabric which in turn will be converted to Fashionable clothes which finally will be exported to Foreign markets.

This is an example of value creation that successful corporations follow. Many companies in our IT sector which were initially exporting human skills (body shopping) have moved on to create products.
On a different note, we export our iron ores to China, why? I think this should stop now. We should rather export more finished products made out of iron.

Modi Ji told how the market of Indian Medicine did not pickup till the packaging was made attractive. A commission named “Hathi Commission” was setup by Pt Jawarhar Nehru more than half century back, recommended better packaging for Indian medicines.  Modi Ji demanded the packaging needs to be right along with good product quality. He mentioned how the tourism industry of Gujarat has grown tremendously by focused campaign by making great Mr. Amitabh Bachchan as the Brand Ambassador of Gujarat.

Most corporations strive to create attractive packaging after studying the consumer psyche to increase the selling chances for their products.

Socially Responsible
All over our country, the water level in earth is going down at an alarming level. Gujarat was no exception due to its climatic conditions. Modi mentioned in his speech that he has constructed over 50,000 small water bodies all over the state to store water. That has resulted into the ground water level in Gujarat to come up in last 10 years as against most part of our country where water level has gone down drastically.

These days, many corporations are adopting social responsibility and striving hard to balance growth , environment and society.

Goal oriented Offsite
Modi Ji mentioned as to how his team of advisors meet under the umbrella of 2 months event called “Krishi Mahotsava”, during the month of May and June when the temperature outside is scorching 44 degree celcius.The team focuses on finding new and innovative ways of agriculture development. He mentioned that Gujarat maintains the health card for the soil and that soil health card is used for picking the correct fertilizers and plantations.

Most successful corporations conduct goal oriented off sites to brainstorm and generate the strategy for the future action plan.

Global Reach
Modi Ji cited examples of presence of products made in Gujarat in foreign countries. He has examples of export of Okra ( Bhindi) to Europe, Milk to Singapore, Tomato to Afghanistan and many other parts of the world. He also mentioned that the global summit of Gujarat was attended by the leaders of 121 countries representing more than 50% of the world GDP.

Most corporations today have global thinking in their long term plans.

Like any other corporate leader, he threw many keywords. Some are given below. These keywords serve a great purpose in effective communication and help in keeping its impact long lasting.

In one of my company’s offsite, a speaker from GE cited the phrase EEE ( Energy, Edge and Execution) which I still remember, even 3 years later and I can vividly  connect to what he meant by each E.

Some of Modi Ji’s citations are below.

P2G2  - Pro People Good Governance  ( On Su-Raj means good governance which is pro people)
5 F’s – Farm to Fiber to Fabric to Fashion to Foreign
3 S’s – Skill, Scale and Speed ( three things needed to move forward )
Google Guru  - Our one stop place for finding anything we need

My Conclusion
India in last few years has gone thru either non governance or extremely turbulent governance. The current government of UPA-II is more dud and non-functional then its previous version UPA-I. Our Prime Minister  Mr. Man Mohan Singh has transformed himself into Mr. Mauni Mohan Singh. Both current home Minister Shinde and previous home minister Chidambaram keep attacking the identity and ethos of a large section of people. I am not sure whose interest they represent.  Our country is big country with 1.2 billion people having 65% population below 35 years of age. The country needs a leader who can lead such a large nation to put India back in the forefront of nations of the world, a leader who can channelize the energy of youth for productive and constructive use. That leader can be no one except Mr. Modi. India strongly and desperately needs Mr. Modi as its Prime Minister.

- Devendra Singh